BetterBottle fermentation equipment includes: BetterBottle PET Carboys, BetterBottle PET Bottles, BetterBottle PET DryTrap Air Locks, BetterBottle PET Simpleflo Valves, and PET Racking Adapters. All of these components are plasticizer-free, DEHP-free, BPA-free, light weight, safe, easily sanitized, and durable. They are ideal for home winemaking or home brewing.
The BetterBottle Div. of High-Q, Inc. manufacturers Better-Bottle fermentation equipment, including PET carboys and related components. Better-Bottle PET carboys are available in 3 gallon, 5 gallon, and 6 gallon sizes. The Better-Bottle DryTrap air lock is a dry check valve, which unlike liquid-filled air locks, cannot blow out or suck back. Better-Bottle Racking Adapters permit racking without siphons. Better-Bottle Simpleflo valves are uniquely designed for simple sanitizing and a simple flow path.
Copyright © 2003-2009 BetterBottle Division of High-Q, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Better-Bottle, BetterBottle, SimpleFlo and DryTrap are trademarks of High-Q, Inc.
BetterBottle fermenters, Better-Bottle carboys, Better-Bottle fermentation equipment, Better-Bottle bottles, Better-Bottle DryTrap, Better-Bottle Simpleflo Valve, Better-Bottle Racking Adapters
BetterBottle fermenters
Better-Bottle carboys
Better-Bottle fermentation equipment
Better-Bottle DryTrap
Better-Bottle Simpleflo Valve
Better-Bottle Racking Adapters
Better-Bottle home winemaking equipment
Better-Bottle home brewing equipment
BetterBottle BPA-free Water Bottle
High-Q lab water system